Part Two
Dear readers after reading part one of this analytical work, part two of this work brings you more infomations on the effort taken by various goverment instutions to realize and put this project into reality.The United Republic of Tanzania has various decision making bodies, these include: The Assembly of District Ward Councilors, the Parliment of Tanzania, responsible ministries, the President’s Office and in this regard Tanzania National Road Agency. My research shows that all these key bodies without any reservation, are strongly suporting the construction of Musoma to Arusha road.Therefore, the decision to construct Musoma to Arusah road is purely decision of the people and whoever goes contrary to this is a traitor and betrayer of our people.If any foreign animal point a fingure against this, automaticaly that action quantify to an agreession against state sovereignity over natural resources. And if this becomes obvious , it may instigate constant reprisal from the benefitiary of the road.
Part two of this analytical work has been designed to show you that, the goverment of Tanzania is serious on this and has never planned to destroy serengeti by building tarmac road on it, by going through the following adminsrative decisions. President Kikwete told the World Bank this year the following:
“Contrary to what some people are saying and rumours being circulated everywhere, my government has never decided to build a tarmac road through the Serengeti,"
President Kikwete emphasized that,Tanzania is planning to significantly reduce the length of the current road passing through the Serengenti National Park. The president said that currently a 220-kilometre unpaved road is running through the Serengeti and that the government is planning to reduce it to only 54 kilometres that will pass through the National Park and those 54 kilometres will remain unpaved.
"Currently, 220 kilometres of road are passing through Serengeti National Park, right in the middle of the Park. And there is huge traffic crossing in the park with large trucks and huge buses. We are unhappy with this situation.” Said Kikwete.
President Kikwete was quoted saying the same story several times, and this manifests that the people of Tanzania through their top leaders have decided to inform the world that we need to conserve serengeti plains by reducing the current 220 km that cut at the middle of the park to 54 km.
“We want to reduce the length of road going through the Serengeti to only 54 kilometres passing mainly through the northern trip of the Park," said President Kikwete.
We should all remember that, currently hundreds of vehicles are going through the park from Arusha to Loliondo and from Musoma to Arusha.Therefore the current project aims to reduce the flow of traffic passing in the park.That is to say, 54 km at the northern trip of the park between Lolosokwan and Tabora B will remain unpaved for the safety of migratory animals. After construction of this road, the main objective of transforming both economicaly and socialy those poor communities around the park will be realized.
This informs us that the goverment is very commited on this project, despite the fact there are so many baseless allegation, dictation and accusation against the state by various states, foreign and local institutions. President Kiwete reiterated;
"Some of the accusations against the Tanzania government on this issue are quite absurd. People sit in Dar es Salaam and listen to baseless allegations advanced by institutions which are paid to say bad things about our government."
After a comprehensive analysis of the role of the President on this, let us turn back to the Parliament of Tanzania and discuss their position on this matter.In 2009 and 2010 the construction of Musoma –loliondo to Arusha road was highly debated. Among others, the following MPs were very vocal on this matter; Nimron Mkono (Musoma Rural), Vedastu Manyinyi (Musoma Urban) and Saning’o Oletelele Ngorongoro. Responding to the questions raised by the mentioned MPs the responsible minister had this to say:
“Hoja hii ilitolewa na Mheshimiwa Vedastusi Mathayo Manyinyi, Mheshimiwa Kaika Telele; na hapa tunatoa majibu ya kwamba katika mwaka wa fedha wa 2009/2010, Serikali imetenga shilingi bilioni 1.55. Katika fedha hizo, shilingi bilioni 400, kwa ajili ya kuendelea na usanifu wa kina na shilingi bilioni 1.15 zitatumika kwa
ajili ya matengenezo mbalimbali. Aidha katika mwaka wa fedha wa 2008/2009 kiasi cha shilingi bilioni 1.3 zitatengwa kwa jili ya usanifu wa kina na uandaaji wa nyaraka za zabuni. Mchakato wa kumpata Mhandisi Mshauri, haukukamilika katika mwaka wa fedha wa 2008/2009, badala yake mchakato utakamilika mwezi Julai mwaka huu. This matter was raised by Hon. Vedastus Mathayo Manyinyi and Hon.Kaikai Telele; we are hereby providing answers for this financial here 2009/2010, the government allocated T.Sh. 1.55 billion for maintanance.However in the fiscal year 2008/2009 T.Sh. 1.3 billion was specificaly allocated for feasibility study.The whole procurement process to obtain advisory engineer failed to mature in the fiscal year 2008/2009, instead the process will be completed in the fiscal year 2009/2010.”
Additionally, during the 2010 parliamentary sessions Ngorongoro MP. Hon.Saning’o Oletelele asked a similar question to the Minister for Road and Infrastructure as follows;
‘Kwa kuwa moja kati ya vigezo vya kuhakikisha maendeleo ya uchumi na ustawi wa jamii ni pamoja na kuwa na miundombinu ya barabara na kwa kuwa tarehe 20 Machi, 2007 Mheshimiwa Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, aliahidi barabara kupitia Mto wa Mbu – Engasero – Loliondo kutengenezwa kwa kiwango cha lami. Je, ni lini ahadi hiyo itatekelezwa?-Knowing that reliable road infrastructure is the key factor for assuarance of quick economic and social advancements, 20th July,2007 President Kikwete promised the construction of tarmac road from Loliondo –Mto wa Mbu.When will this promise be realized?”
The Minister responded as folows;
Mheshimiwa Spika, Serikali inaendelea kutekeleza ahadi zake ikiwa ni pamoja na maandalizi ya kujenga barabara ya Mto wa Mbu – Engasero – Loliondo kwa kiwango cha lami. Mpango wa ujenzi wa barabara hiyo ulikwisha andaliwa na kazi ya upembuzi yakinifu kwa ajili ya ujenzi wa barabara hii kwa kiwango cha lami hivi sasa imekamilika. Vile vile mkataba wa usanifu wa kina ulitiwa saini tarehe 26 Agosti, 2009 na kazi za
usanifu zinaendelea.Hon.Speaker, the govermment continous to implement some of its promises, and the Loliondo to Arusha via Mtoambu is among.The plan for that road is ready and the the feasibility study for the the said project is completed.Morever, the cotract for technical study is on progress since 26th, August,2009.
Another house of representatives that discussed this matter keenly is the meeting of ward councilors who met in Serengeti this year.Concilors from nine disricts expected to be the first beneficiaries of the disputed road among other things came out with the folowing resolutions;
“Sisi viongozi wa Halmashauri za Serikali za Mitaa kutoka Mkoa wa Mara, Halmashauri za Serengeti,Bunda,Musoma,Rorya,Manispaa ya Musoma na Halmshauri za Tarime,Ngorongoro na Monduli tumekutana leo hii tarehe 08/2/2011 katika mji wa Mugumu amabao ni makao makuu ya wilaya ya Serengeti kujadili na kuunga mkono uamuzi wa Raisi wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mheshimiwa Jakaaya Mrisho Kikwete juu ya Uamuzi wake wa kujenga barabara ya Mto wa Mbu –Loliondo –Mugumu hadi Mjini Musoma.” We leaders of Local Goverment Councils in Mara Region, District Councils of Bunda,Musoma,Serengeti,Rorya, Musoma Municipal and District Councils of Tarime,Ngorongoro and Monduli have met today 8th February, 2011 in Mugumu town which is the capital town of Serengeti District to among other things discuss and support the decision of the president of the United Republic of Tanzania Hon. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete of constructing a road from Musoma to Arusha via Mugumu and Loliondo”
The local goverment leaders’s meeting requested all who are protesting the road to come out with practicable solutions that can mitigate the enviromental damage when the road is constructed instead of prostesting the construction of the road.This looks possible because it is very easy to control the distance of 54 km than 220 km.The control can be in form of time control, speed control, constant patrol, instalation of control gates as well as type and number of vehicles.
Fathermore, Tanzania Road Agency (TANROADS) managed to conduct several studies measuring the feasibility of the project. For instance technical advisory commitee has been formulated to among other things advise on the best project implimentation practices such as proper mitigation measures for negative impact and and enviromental management plan.
The Enviromental Impact Assesment Report released by TANROADS indicates that the project will serve as alternative route to the current route through Butiama,Natta,Ikoma gate, via Seronera,across Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area to Karatu.The present route has great negative impact to national heritage.
The EIA report indicates that the project has both negative and positive impacts.However, the reports shows that the negative impacts can be mitigated.The reports emphasised that the upgrading of the road to bitumen standard is the best option compared to the existing gravel road.About 300,000 USD will be required to mitigate potential enviromental impact.
Without considering or respecting the United Republic of Tanzania and its people, United Nation Education , Social and Caltural Organization (UNESCO) and International Union for the Conservation of Nature( IUCN) continued to mislead the world on this matter. For instance, in the UNESCO report, dated 01 June 2010, ahead of the World Heritage Committee’s 25 July-03 August meeting in Brasilia, Brazil – Ref. WHC-10/34.COM/7B – it was stated:
“The World Heritage Centre and IUCN consider that, if built, the North Road could critically impact the property’s Outstanding Universal Value and justify its inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger.”
The two bodies, IUCN and UNESCO jointly went ahead and proposed southern route as alternative route to northern route.This act amounts to disrespect and total interference of internal affairs.These two bodies have no legal status to question development programs of an independent country like Tanzania.Tanzania is absolutely sovereign to use it natural resources as it wishes without causing any nuisance to the rest of the world.UNESCO, IUCN and other organization can only sende their recomendation and advise to the government of Tanzania and not this sort of subjugation.
Distingushed readers, those are vivid examples showing the position of the government instutions on this matter.It is obvious that goverment officials and local goverment leaders who represent the community are strongly supporting the project.This implies that the government of Tanzania and its people are on the same track.Therefore,if this is the decision of the people of United repbllic of Tanzania, whoelse has legal status to question the implementation of this project? And whoever tries to do so , he/she may be putting her/himself in a tussle with the people of Tanzania and their goverment. I therefore , advise all instutions, states and individuals who are protesting the construction of Musoma to Arusha road to stop doing so and instead join us to find proper ways to mitigate few of the mentioned negative impacts.Please find part three of this analytical work.
By Onesmo Olengurumwa
Vice President Ngorongoro Elites Association NDUSA-ndusa@gmail.com
Hello brother Onesmo thank you very much for your commitment of putting this issue so clear, for sure you deeply demonstrated many things to which i believe that many people didn't understand. I real congratulate you m dearly brother, just go on informing us. TUPO PAMOJA KAKA
Pamoja kaka
Thank you for your good report Brother, I would like to know where is the project right now?
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