Monday, April 19, 2010


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CCM Chama Cha Mapinduzi
CHADEMA Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo
CUF Civic United Front LGE
GN Government Notice
LGE Local Government Elections
LHRC Legal and Human Rights Centre
LGRP The Local Government Reform Programme
NCCR MAGEUZI National Convention for Construction and Reform
NEC National Electro Commission
TLP Tanzania Labor Part
TAMISEMI Tawala za Mikoa Na Serikali za Mitaa
VEO Village Executive Officer
WEO Ward Executive Officer
WDC Ward Development committee
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Table of Contents………………………………………………………………. PAGE
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………..2
(a) Tarime District Background Information……………………………………..2
(b) Economic Activities…………………………… ………………………………….2
(c) Political Profile………………………………………… .…………………………..3
2. Voters Registration Progressions……………………………………………….3-8
3. Candidates Nominations………………………………………………………….9-12
4. Campaign Rallies………………………………………………………………....... 12
5. Voting Exercise……………………………………………………………………13-14
6. Mixed Reactions after Election……………………………………………….14-18
7. Conclusions………………………………………………………………………….. 19
7. Recommendations………………………………………………………………...19-20
8. Tables/Figures …………………………………………………………………………..
(i)Table 1.Tarime Populations by sex……………………………… ………......... 6
(ii) Table 2. Tarime Voters Projections and Registered Voters……………….8
(iii) Table 3. List of Appeals Released by Appellate committee…. ………….10
(iv) Table 4. A Summary of Tarime 2009 LGE Results………………………….15
(iv) Table 5 .Seats CCM Took Unopposed …………………………………………17
(vi).Table 6.Seats obtained by sex……………………………………………………18
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This report examines 2009 LGE in Tarime, focusing on the whole process of election.
This year Observation by LHRC based on Local Government voter participation, Local
Government representation; voter and civic education , voters registrations progression
, LGE funding, human rights and democracy. Observation covered as well the strength
of political parties and the number of parties participated in the elections and their
(a) Tarime District Background Information
Tarime is the district in Mara Region situated in North West Tanzania bordered by
Republic of Kenya to the North, to the West by Roria district and Lake Victoria , to the
East by Serengeti district, to the South by Musoma district.Tarime is divided into four
Divisions, 20 Wards, 73 villages and 399 sub villages. The district has populations of
334,318., women be 175,733 and male 158,546.97% of the total populations are found
in villages.Tarime Disrict was formed in 1961 as North Mara District before it was
named Tarime in 1992.Tarime Ward (kata ya mjini) was declared to be Tarime small
Township Authority by GN No.353 of 17/9/2004 according Local government Act NA. 7
of 1982. Tarime legally became a small Town in 16 /4/ 2007 after Tarime district
council ratified the GN. The major ethinic group found in Tarime is Kurya tribesmen
and few Jaluo. Kurya tribe is further segmented into seven clans. In Sirari and Pemba
wards(Commonly known as Mpakani) is commonly populated by Kurya clan called
Wakira. Wanyebasi clansmen are found in Nyakonga, Nyareno and Kibasuka Wards.The
big Kurya clan called Wairege are mainly found in Muriba, Nyanungu ,Nyarukoba
,Gorong’a and Nyamwaga Wards .Wanyamongo clansmen are found in Kemambo and
Matongo Wards.Timbaru clansmen are found mainly in Tarime Town.Wanchari
clansmen are found in Mwema and Susuma wards and their rival Warechoka are found
in Mwema Ward extending to Kurya District in Kenya. Mwera and Hunyaga clansmen
are found in Bumera Ward. Sweta clansmen are found in Nyatondo ward and lastly
Kenye clansmen are found in Manga Ward.
(b) Economic Activities
Tarime is divided into ecological lands, highlands and law land. Whereby high land
extends to 1500-1800m above sea level with rainfall between 1200mm-1600mm.While
in midlands Tarime extends to 1300-1500m above sea level with rainfall of 900mm-
125mm.The main economic activities in Tarime are Agriculture and Livestock keeping,
though in small scale people in Tarime do various business activities and mining
activities. Main food agricultural crops are sweet potatoes, beans, maize, cassava and
banana. The most common commercial crop found in Tarime is coffee, though recently
they have introduced new commercial crops like Tea and Tobacco.
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(c) Political Profile
The district council has autonomy in its geographic area. District council coordinate the
activities of the township authorities and village councils, which are accountable to the
district for all revenues received for day-to-day administration. The village and township
councils have the responsibility for formulating plans for their areas. In Tarime the
District has one Small Town Authority and 73 villages.
The Local Government (District Authorities) Act No. 7 of 1982[RE:2002] established the
local government district authorities in rural areas, and the Local Government (Urban
Authorities) Act No. 8 of 1982 established the local government urban authorities. The
district authorities include district councils, village councils, and township authorities,
Sub villages, and Ward Development Committees (WDC). All of them except the Sub
villages and Ward Development Committees have powers to make by laws.
In Tanzania LGE are held every 5 years .The local government system in Mainland is
different from Zanzibar. On the mainland chairpersons and mayors are elected indirectly
by elected members of their respective authorities. For instance in Tarime Township
Authority, the chairperson is elected by all sub villages chairpersons who comprise the
Township council. Village council is elected by village assembly comprising of adult over
the age of 18.To make political proportionality and gender balance their special seats
for women not below 5.Village council have between 15 to 25 members. This
constitutes chairpersons elected by the village assembly, all chairpersons of sub villages
and other members elected by village assembly including special seats for women.
Tarime District is among the District in Tanzania which response to multiparty
democracy was too high since multiparty was introduced in Tanzania 1n 1992.Political
parties found in Tarime are CCM, CHADEMA, NCCR-MAGEUZI, TLP AND CUF, but the
most vibrant and active political parties in Tarime are CCM and CHADEMA. Since
Introduction of multiparty, CCM managed to won two terms the seat of member of
parliaments before it was taken by CHADEMA in 2005 up to date.Tarime district council
is under CHADEMA since 2005 General elections. It was easy for CHADEMA to chair the
council due to the fact that the majority of ward councilors are coming from CHADEMA.
On the other hand Tarime small town authority is under CCM, Small town council was
chaired by CCM due to the fact that, all sub –village chairpersons are coming from CCM.
According to past Local government elections 98% of Local government seats were
under CCM.Politicaly CHADEMA was active only in general elections but when it comes
to local government CCM became dominant. Local government elections in Tanzania
have been entrusted to the Prime Minister office under TAMISEMI.During the previous
Local government elections 98% of Local government seats were taken by CCM.
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Total number of villages and sub villages for 2009 LGE In Tarime district is 399 sub
villages, 73 villages and four Divisions .Tarime small Town Authority has 14 sub villages
which compose Tarime Town Council.
Despite the fact that Tarime is one of the districts active in violent politics, the whole
process of voters registrations manifested to be smooth and cooperative. According to
Chief returning officer, the whole process of voters registrations in Tarime was well
organized, peaceful and cooperative due to the fact that the district is active in politics.
All stake holders were well involved, including political parties.
People were seen attending registrations posts in due time and in a convincing number,
though in few places was slow and in a lower rate. All registrations procedures were to
some extent maintained, the opening and closing of the posts were done not in
convincing manner in most places particularly in villages. Many people fore instance in
Nyarukoba Ward in one sub village the registrations post was located far away from
populations density .
Registration challenges
One of the most pressing problem emerged during registrations in most of the
registration centers, was the slow response of people. People were seen to be reluctant
to go for registration. Many reasons were cataloged as being the factor behind slow and
poor turn up.
Among others, the following were marked as leading reasons; Poor advertisement,
fallacy on the previous permanent vote registry identity card and lack of civic education.
Formerly voter education was not a legal function of the Commission, at present
commission has the role of voter education. However, the Commission never conducts
voter education in rural areas like Tarime in order to educate and mobilize the people to
participate in elections. One of the efforts which, were made by NEC was to recommend
to the Government to formulate a law which, gives the Commission the mandate to
conduct voter education. As a result the Elections Act of 1985 was amended to give
NEC the mandate to provide voter education throughout the country and to coordinate
and supervise persons who conduct such education.
According to Chief returning officer Mr.Urio the projections of people expected to be
registered as eligible voters for 2009 elections was 2020,279 people but the total
number of registered people is 94,727. According to 2002 Census and 2008-2012
projections Tarime has 334,318 people as total number of its populations. Populations
and number of people by sex at Ward level is herein below summarized in a simplified
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Election observer found that due to poor facilitations of the exercise, in many places the
names of the registered residents were put on public boards after two to three days
contrary to the law. In many places assistant officers used their own money to buy glue
and some time being assisted by political parties of which this again is contrary to the
law. To rescue the exercise, local facilities were used, like the use of baking flour (unga
wa ngano) and the use of cassava stiff porridge.
To respond the allegations of poor facilitations Tarime acting Chief returning officer said
the problem lies on the amount of money received from TAMISEMI.Tarime election
chief reiterated that we have only received the sum of Tsh 37 millions from TAMISEMI
for the entire exercise. The Chief whispered, to make the ex exercise successful we had
to have been given more than 60 millions Tsh. However, the District council toped up
with sum of Tsh 14 millions, yet the amount of money was not sufficient to cater for all
necessary elections prerequisites.
Many residents registration officers complained of the amount of money remunerated to
them. Registration officers who most of them were government civil servants were only
paid 5,000/- Tsh per day. This was seen to be inhuman and contrary to the principles of
human rights. What is 5000/= Tsh per day? It is ridiculous and fishy because the
money can only buy a single meal. In most places some of them threatened not
proceed with the exercise if the problem won’t be contained. One of them said,” we
have stopped some of our daily activities and we are working in a terrible environment
yet we are paid 5,000/=”.Observations found again this to be a brawny reason for the
problems arose during registrations process. The situations creates allot questions on
the use of money received from donor to make LGE this year to be effective and
It is doubted whether dubious businesses was an insider deal. The Government has set
aside Tsh 13 billion to finance this year LGE.The budget is nine times more than what
was spent during the last civic polls. 2004 civic election, the Government spent Tsh 1.4
billions. With above massive increase of money we would have expected this year civic
elections to be accurate and transparent.
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Population by Sex , Number of Households and Average
Household Size
Population (Number) Household
Ward/Shehia Type Male Female Total Number Average Size
District Total 158,546 175,733 334,318 5.1
1 Susuni Rural 3,916 4,416 8,332 1,676 5.0
2 Mwema Rural 4,075 4,367 8,442 1,773 4.8
3 Sirari Mixed 11,082 11,760 22,842 4,917 4.6
4 Pemba Rural 7,779 8,463 16,242 3,062 5.3
5 Nyakonga Rural 5,508 6,067 11,575 2,229 5.2
6 Nyarero Rural 5,288 5,782 11,070 2,227 5.0
7 Nyamwaga Rural 5,689 6,431 12,120 2,261 5.4
8 Muriba Rural 7,742 8,696 16,438 3,035 5.4
9 Nyanungu Rural 8,769 9,883 18,652 3,466 5.4
10 Gorong'a Rural 4,701 5,303 10,004 1,834 5.5
11 Nyarokoba Rural 5,349 6,021 11,370 1,985 5.7
12 Kemambo Rural 4,954 5,199 10,153 2,043 5.0
13 Kibasuka Rural 5,035 5,751 10,786 1,957 5.5
14 Binagi Rural 7,611 8,403 16,014 2,773 5.8
15 Turwa Mixed 9,287 10,355 19,642 4,129 4.8
16 Tarime Urban 13,940 15,399 29,339 6,388 4.6
17 Nyandoto Rural 5,483 6,324 11,807 2,069 5.7
18 Bukwe Rural 3,640 4,134 7,774 1,655 4.7
19 Manga Rural 5,096 5,587 10,683 2,055 5.2
20 Nyathorogo Rural 5,809 7,031 12,840 2,392 5.4
Another technical problem with less impact on civic election is the conflicting interest
existing between the Tarime Township Authority and Ward councilor of the Tarime Mjini
Ward. When the Town was declared to be the Small Town Authority, Tarime Mjini
remained with the previous status while villages were abandoned and the Town
remained only with 14 sub-villages. According to Local government system, Ward
development committee is formed by Villages chairpersons. The current structure of
Tarime Small Town is pathetic and confusing. It is obvious; this will have negative
impact and misunderstandings among elected leaders. For instance the previous Town
Chairperson was the CCM cadre while the ward councilor is a CHADEMA fighter.
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The LGE rules are very contradictory, according to other laws sub villages do not have
Executive officers as villages. But surprisingly and pitiable the so called LGE rules
speaks of executive officers at the level of sub villages found in Small Towns. The rules
shows that while the campaigns will last for 21 days from 7th to 24th October, the time
table shows the campaigns will be for one week from 18th to 24th October.
Another controversy arose on the definitions of who is an ordinary citizen. The tug of
war on the question of definition of an ordinary resident was found in Buhemba Sub
village. In Buhemba Sub villages there are many institutions like Secondary schools and
Teachers College.LGE rules of 2009 as per Local government Act CAP 287[RE:2002]
defines an ordinary person to include people living in institutions located in Villages and
Sub villages. The controversy came where political parties interpreted the definition of a
resident differently. CCM alleged that the definitions doesn’t include students who are
provisionally found in place, meanwhile their rival CHADEMA contended that the law
allows even students to vote. The controversy was later intervened, but the problem
was only contained momentarily to end up party’s differences. Still the law needs to be
revisited to put away those contradictions.
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1 NYANUNGU 14077 5944 -
2 MURIBA 12479 5018 -
3 NYAMWAGA 9136 3696 -
4 GORONG'A 7508 2940 -
5 NYARUKOBA 8514 3254 -
6 MATONGO 6126 5960 -
7 KEMAMBO 7925 4242 -
8 BUMERA 6045 2635 -
9 KIBASUKA 8102 5439 -
10 MANGA 8043 4754 -
11 MWEMA 6346 3342 -
12 NYAKONGA 8724 3631 --
13 SUSUNI 6253 2761 -
14 BINAGI 12514 5335 -
15 NYARERO 8318 3457 -
16 TURWA 15090 7486 -
17 PEMBA 12209 5347 -
18 SIRARI 13244 5890 -
19 NYANDOTO 9574 4699 -
20 TARIME MJINI 22052 8897 -
JUMLA 202279 94727 38229
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Five political parties participated in nomination of candidates. These are, Chama Cha
Mapinduzi (CCM), Civic United Front (CUF), Chama Cha Democracies na Maendeleo
(CHADEMA), National Convention for Construction and Reform (NCCR MAGEUZI),
Tanzania Labor Party (TLP).
Election Observer grabbed a number of weaknesses during the whole process of
candidates’ nomination and filing of the forms. The most hacking weakness was, most
of the assistant returning officers were not independent and neutral. Returning officers
were not neutral due to their affiliations with political parties. Assistant returning
officers are, as well ignorant of the LGE rules and procedures. In one village the names
of the successfully candidates were found on public notice board only in a list written by
the returning officers contrary to the law. It is gloomy; because at the time, the names
were published, the returning officer never went through the forms for his approval.
Many village returning officers were found to have less knowledge on the factors that
disqualifies the candidates to contest. The Government has distributed few copies of
the rules, regulations and time table which are not enough even to distribute one copy
in each Division. Many candidates were disqualified without following proper
procedures. The LGE rules provide factors which disqualifies the candidate. Rules 12
and 15 articulate qualifications and disqualifications for a person to contest. To prove
the allegations, almost all 13 appeals to District appellate committee were up held and
candidates were allowed to contest.
According to Chairman of the appellate committee, many grounds sought and approved
by assistant returning officers to bar candidates from contesting were mare personal
convictions not provided by the rules. He reiterated that, the officer never read the
rules to internalize the factors that can disqualify the candidates. But where would they
pick the copies of rules to read? The situation above shows how TAMISEMI was not
serious with the exercise.
The table herein below shows the reasons considered by assistant returning officer to
disqualify 14 candidates. The appellate committee at District level found out all the
ground to be dubious, weak and against the LGE rules.
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1 Edward
Sub village
CCM Not a citizen
2 Assistant
officer Itiryo
- P a u l o M Geteri CUF Antidevelopment
3 Ass Returning
- Julius Chacha
CUF Antidevelopment
4 Ass Returning
- Ghati
village council
TLP Indebted Tsh
5 Ass Returning
- Yohana Sagamo CHADEMA Not eligible sub
village resident
6 Ass Returning
- Nyabara Sub
village candidate
7 Ass Returning
- Michael Thomas
Sub village
CCM Late return of
8 Ass Returning
- Joel
Sub village
CHADEMA Loiterer
9 Ass Returning
- Gati Robati
candidate village
CCM Late return of
10 Ass Returning
- Samson
11 Ass Returning
- Nyangi Mwita CHADEMA Not active in
12 Ass Returning
- Anicet Mchari CHADEMA Trespasser
Village farm
13 Ass Returning
Mgesi Chacha CHADEMA Antidevelopment
14 Ass Returning
- John Mwita CHADEMA Antidevelopment
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Elections are important prerequisite for democracy. Some professional scholars of
democracy and elections such as Michael Bratton believe that while you can have
elections without democracy you can not have democracy without elections. Elections
give an avenue to citizens to exercise power through votes. It is during elections that
citizens can have power to question those intending to take positions; they can express
power on preferences. In a nutshell an election is a sign of democracy. Then if the civic
educations never went to people how democracy would be seen to be in place.
If you take the definition of democracy given by Abraham Lincoln that democracy is
“the government of the people, by the people and for the people” still there is a
problem of who the people are and who defines them and for what purpose. The
freeness and fairness will be achieved by first making the citizens aware of why they
are voting, that is, making them understand the value of a piece of paper which will
then become power to the person they are voting for.
It has been noted that some of the local government elections officers are ignorant of
the LGE rules and procedures. In some places the whole process was seen to be
surrounded with allot of controversies and irregularities. The irregularities were later
seen to be detrimental to civic rights. Assistant returning officers were not most of the
time in their offices when the forms were to be returned. In Binagi Ward one candidate
had to communicate with his party main office to pressurize the officer to receive the
forms. There are many allegations that elections officers are not neutral, due to the fact
that some of them have been seen to have affiliations with political parties.
To defend those allegations assistant officers, reiterated that their role was jeopardized
by poor facilitation of the whole process.” We are not paid anything and no even means
of transport to effect the exercise” said one of the returning officers in Tarime.To put
the defense into strict proof thereof, observer noted that, neither allowances to
elections officers, nor important facilities like pens, glue and note books were provided,
only few managed to have motorbike fuel.
Due to the above glaring weakness, then the whole processes of voters registration
and publicity of the registered residents was marred. There was mass failure of political
parties to nominate candidates in local government elections. it is only one opposition
party CHADEMA this year managed to have its candidates almost in every village and
sub village. However, in Tarime CCM as usual took 8 villages and 28 sub villages
unopposed. Canvassing the reasons for the failure of political parties to have their
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candidates in every village, election observer in Tarime came out with the following
Local Government Elections system stating from the Chief of TAMISEMI down to village
level, is purely network of ruling party( CCM).Therefore LGE machinery is purely
with proven evidence, a complex network of ruling party , which makes other parties
scared to compete knowingly no optimism of victory.
Ruling party financial muscles is another fertile factor for the walkover and unopposed
victory of CCM. Oppositions parties are financially poor, hence difficulty for them to
reach every angle of the of the country to establish themselves.
There was controversy on the issues candidates being ascertained by only party leaders
at local level. The law clearly spells; a candidate should be guaranteed by his/her party
without specifically states at what level. Many candidates from political parties who
aspired to contest sadly botched to do so because of this controversy.
Another factor was, most of opposition parties do not have people with integrity and
good reputation at local level to compete with nominee of CCM who look to be well of
financially and with certain defined integrity.
Historically ruling party inherited all the infrastructures used by ruling part during one
party system.Possesing such infrastructures enabled CCM be organized and creates
trust in front of people than their contender who lack even District main office.
At the district level campaigns were well arranged without causing any
misunderstandings among political parties. CCM launched their campaigns at
Songambele and Buhemba while their contender CHADEMA launched their campaigns
at Saba Saba grounds. The main problem during campaign was the use of harsh words
abusive language and personal attack. Instead of selling their policies most of the time,
were marked making personal attack on their platforms. They way they conduct
campaigns is not healthy in modern politics as it appears to maximize skirmishes.
Money was a well used in some point to buy voters, but it was hard to prove.
Opposition parties have been complaining of lack of funds to conduct campaigns ahead
of the civic polls. Representatives of various political parties whispered that, their
parties have no funds to finance the election, leaving candidates to rise own funds from
their supporters. Civic election was not free and fair because there was no financial
equity among the competing political parties. The victory for CCM was obvious given its
financial might.
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The whole exercise of voting commenced as planned on 25th October, the only problem
manifested was the delaying of opening polling stations in some areas. Most of the
polling stations were on board ten to 30 minute ahead. The reasons behind was the late
supply of voting facilities to voting polls. There were no suitable arrangements
particularly in villages on how the voting boxes and other facilities would reach to
polling stations.
Another critical problem found to be the main cause of voting exercise irregularities
was the huge number of registered voters to vote on one polling stations, this
manifested in most areas like In Sirari Ward and Matongo Ward particularly Nyamongo
village where the voting exercise extended to 7 pm and counting exercise went up to
4.00 am.
Voting irregularities were due to weaknesses of the local government elections rules
and regulations.2009 LGE rules were cumbersome and pathetic to the whole exercise.
Despite the facts that there were other reasons, the weakness of LGE rules are graded
as the strapping reasons for the misunderstandings and problems arose during
Primarily the whole exercise from voters registrations to voting exercise was not
properly financed in Tarime Distrrict.The amount of money sent to Tarime district from
TAMISEMI for the whole exercise was 37.9 Millions Tsh.
Due to lack of voting ink, many people found to have an attempt of double voting in
different places. The possibility of one persons voting in many polling stations was high,
due to the fact that the exercise of productions of identity cards was not implemented.
Voters were only observed to mention their names and registration number. According
to LGE rules, rule 19(5) election officer may request at any point voters to produce
their identity cards to prove as to whether they are eligible voter.The same rule at sub
rule 6 provides categories of identity cards to be called incase of doubt.
The whole procedure found to be odious and even to elections officers .Procedures are
cumbersome and hard to be implemented. It is very obvious that at village level only
few people can have identity cards. Also sad to have seen the law allows people to
resolve the questions of eligible candidates particularly where there is no identity card.
Allowing people to decide, is the leeway to unnecessary conflicts in polling stations. For
one to vote in the coming civic polls, they are supposed to have either national voter's
card, identity card, ATM card, travelling documents, insurance card, driving licence or
student identity card if a voter is a student.
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In some places party candidates were seen to be a source of violence in polling
stations, for in stance this highly noted in Sirari Ward. Others were seen proceeding
with the campaign in pooling stations. In other voting stations, many voters were seen
to be violent as they never leave the voting vicinity after voting. During voting exercise
was going on, LGE rules were extremely seen to be violated due to unawareness by
both voters and elections officers. Party agents were seen not to be aware of their roles
and duties. Some of them were found to help those who cannot write to vote contrary
to the LGE rules.
A day after voting exercise was ended, CCM was declared an overall winner by having
scooped a hundreds of seats.CCM took 292 sub villages and 55 village out of 73 villages
and 399 sub villages.CCM celebrated landslide victory by having peaceful
demonstrations with its voters. On the same day their rival CHADEMA were as well
passing around proudly thanking their voters for gripping seats of which they had no
them previously.
However an election was smooth despite the facts that there were many glaring
weakness and cumbersome elections rules and procedure. The procedure was flawed
and never considered disabled people and vulnerable groups. In Tarime disabled people
have they did not register as voters nor have they voted. The issues of vulnerable
group was not given due weight by elections officers in Tarime.The district has groups
of vulnerable groups like women, illiterate and disabled but no any effort done to see
them exercise their civic rights.
During voter registration, the registration book never considered the disabled people.
The book provides only places where male and female voter can be identified and never
show column where disabled can be listed.
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The summary of 2009 elections results in Tarime is herein below shown on the table.
4 1 23 - - 23 11 12
2 MURIBA 4 3 19 - - 19- 14 4 1 1
3 1 12 - - 12 5 7
2 1 10 - - 10 7 2
2 2 16 - - 16 13 3
2 1 16 16 10 5
7 KEMAMBO 3 2 26 - - 26- 20 6
8 BUMERA 4 4 23 - - 23 19 4
9 KIBASUKA 3 3 18 - - 18 17 1
10 MANGA 6 5 29 - - 29 27 2
11 MWEMA 3 2 17 1 - 17 12 4 I
4 4 17 - - 17 14 3
13 SUSUNI 3 3 14 - - 14 8 4 3
14 BINAGI 5 5 27 - - 27 21 6
15 NYARERO 4 4 19 - - 19 17 2
16 TURWA 5 5 30 - - 30 20 9 1
17 PEMBA 6 3 23 - - 23 17 6
18 SIRARI 5 3 24 - - 24 18 5 1
19 NYANDOTO 5 4 22 - - 22 16 6
- - 14 - - 14 10 4
TOTAL 73 56 15 1 - 399 296 95 4 3
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Huge number of people never turns up for elections despite the fact that most of them
were registered. Exploring why the turn up was poor, elections observer noted that
people were somehow worried of the cumbersome voting procedures; many people in
Tarime neither know how to write nor to read. Having multiple ballot papers to write
more than ten people was causing voter fatigue.
The polling stations were seen to have long queue of people, this also was a shock to
busy people. In some polling stations peace and security was very minimal to the
extent of making other people beg off to vote. In some polling stations the situations
was violent and hence precipitated the use of police force to calm the situations. Some
people suspected as street hooligans were seen loitering closely to the pooling stations
after voting, this is contrary to elections rules which prohibit people who have already
casted their vote to remain close up to voting vicinity.
The number of people casted their votes is only 45% of the registered voters. The
projections of people to be registered as shown on the table above was 202,279 while
the total number o reregistered voters in Tarime is 96.324.Then out of 94,727 people
only 38,229 casted their ballots.
Many people were arrested by the police during voting day. In some few places polling
stations were full of violence to the extent of ballots boxes being stolen by unknown
culprits. Among the 9 people under police arrest others are candidates of
CHADEMA.Due to the case of the use of fire arms and burning of ballot boxes in
Nyamongo Centre sub village, one person suspected to die during the violent and other
suspected culprit are under police custody for trial. Then sub village by elections at
Nyamongo centre has to be repeated. In Msati Sub Village the same problem occurred
and leads CHADEMA Candidates to be arrested while holding his ballots uncounted.
However, the assistant returning officers proceeded to count one side ballots and
announce CCM candidates as a winner.
The mission also observed that there was no conducive environment for various players
like electro official and observers to conduct themselves in safe and regulated
mechanisms. Secret of ballot was inadequately observed, many people were found to
be inside the polling stations at a time.
Intrinsically the situations manifested that there is little knowledge on Voter and civic
educations and political activism at some levels.Enomously a mass of eligible voters
unreasonably neglected the voting exercise. This situation is a killer of democracy in
Political parties in Tarime are not pleased with the way election was conducted; they
blame the use of Government officials like DC, WEO and VEO to subordinate other
parties. Their cries hold water due to the fact the some of the government officials are
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spectators of political parties. Some of the returning officers were found to be local
leaders of Political parties. Therefore due to the fact that TAMISEMI was entrusted with
the tusk of supervising LGE, then the concept of neutrality and independence would
have been highly observed and emphasized.
According to election observer the whole concept of independence and neutrality of LGE
governing bodies during elections was not strictly adhered. Observer found some of the
of the government officials responsible for LGE to be deadly worshipers of political
Below is the list of villages and sub villages CCM took unopposed in Tarime during 2009
2 - - 1
3 PEMBA - -
4 NYANUNGU - - 1
7 BUMERA 1 7
8 KEMAMBO 1 Vitongoji 7
Wajumbe 17
9 MURIBA 2 7
10 MANGA 2
TOTAL 8 29
- 18 -
The table below illustrate the total number of seats obtained by sex.The table enables
us to make analysis of involvement of women in decision making at grass root level.
Looking at the number of women contested for village chairperson and sub villages
chairperson at village level you hardly see even a single lady.
1 Total number of
- - - - - - - - -
2 Village
57 - 14 - 1 - 1 - -
3 Members of
530 - 132 - 3 - 14 - 1
4 Members of
- - -
5 Special seats -
6 No un voted
- - - - - - - - -
7 JUMLA 587
8 Voted Sub
villages 399
- - - - - - - - -
9 Sub villages
296 96 - 4 - 3 - -
10 No unvoted sub
- - - - - - - - -
11 TOTAL 296 - 96 - 4 - 3 - -
- 19 -
Ultimately, Tarime 2009 LGE at some level was smooth and peaceful. Elections observer
noted many weakness of the LGE rules to be the main cause elections irregulaties.Lack
of voter and civic education at all levels manifested to generate all sort of problems
during elections. Poor facilitation of the whole exercise again was another factor behind
elections problems in Tarime. Lack of free and an indendepent electro body in Tarime
was the thorn to other political parties. The only political parties did well in Tarime out
of 18 political parities in Tanzania are CCM and CHADEMA.The rest of the political
parties in Tarime experienced drastic fall.
1. The Local Government Reform Programme (LGRP) aims to transfer duties and
financial resources from central to local government levels. Local government
authorities are thought to be in a better position to identify people’s needs by
encouraging citizens’ participation in democratic governance, and thus supply the
appropriate form and level of public services. Then TAMISEMI is urged to put
more muscles on LGE by pumping allot of money and time to make it more
effective and democratic.
2. Local governance covers issues related to citizens’ participation in formulating
and implementing plans for local development, local government autonomy in
staffing, working relations between people and elected leaders. Therefore if
Local governance and the whole concept of decentralizations cover issues related
to citizens participations, then civic educations is vital to effect people’s
participations in choosing their local leaders.
3. With regard to the issues of freedom and neutrality of electro bodies and
personnel. Its contrary to democratic principles to entrust such task to
Government institutions which most of its officials are politicians.TAMISEMI is
under a minister who has political party, and returning officers are appointees of
political leaders. Then to have free and fair elections the whole exercise of LGE
must be entrusted to independent bodies which comprise all stakeholders
including civil society organizations.
4. We urge the Government to provide money to each political party to help them
to have equal and fair competition. Since Tanzania is democratic, the
Government must equally subsidize political parties that participate in polls so
that there is a fair play ground in elections in Tanzania.
5. The so called Local Government rules are poor, contradictory and cumbersome.
We therefore advise the government to involve all stakeholders including
- 20 -
religious leaders, non political organizations and professional institutions when
formulating such rules and regulations.
6. Political parties must learn to respect the principle of political tolerance because
the peace of our country lies on their hands. Political Parties must hate and avoid
violent politics for sake of the Nation’s peace and security. To have more
popularity in the country Political parties are urged to go beyond cities and
Town. In Tarime violent politics was the game of the day, therefore political
parties particularly oppositions wing are advised to put aside violent politics to
resume reputation in Tarime.
7. More attention should be directed to the rural areas where there are no
journalists to report the breech of rules, government organs and personnel
acting in favor of certain political party and other such unethical politics. It is
now the time for all stakeholders to sensitize citizens to understand their rights
which will help them first elect the right candidates and subsequent be able ho
hold the elected candidates accountable.
8. True democracy is about true representation and true representation is correctly
representing the voters’ interests. Thus as Tanzania runs towards general
elections in 2010 the focus should be to have free and fair elections. The
freeness and fairness will be achieved by first making the citizens aware of why
they are voting, that is, making them understand the value of a piece of paper
which will then become power to the person they are voting for. We urge all
Tanzanians to be vigilant on issues of elections; this is because we are all in the
same plane when it crashes no one to remain safe.
9. We therefore act as political solicitors and canvass an extensive range of issues
that may be categorized under three broad headings:
• Improving Local Government voter participation.
• Improving Local Government representation;
• Improve voter and civic education
• Improve voters registrations progression
• Improve LGE funding and
• Improving the Local Government election process
• Amend the LGE rules and procedures

1 comment:

ICOR-DIM said...

Ilike this,and it is one of the memorable notices and documents for the future referencing of Tarime district,,,,,,,,,,,