7. AIMS AND OBJECTIVESIn furtherance of the above Mission, TAMOSEREKI shall endeavour to achieve the following aims and objectives:
· TAMOSEREKI seek to see a large number of indigenous communities in Tanzania understands and attain the knowledge of their socio-economic rights as provided by constitutions and related international instruments.
· Open up trading floor among indigenous and between them and medium enterprises to market their ideas and investment opportunities by transforming their informal sectors to formal sectors
· To achieve a sustainable development and developing economics within family business by realizing the role of both spouses in economic development and encourage female involvement in business and wealthy succession.
· To achieve a spiral network between indigenous entrepreneurs and big business enterprises and investors.
· To achieve a highly motivated society with the knowledge of getting credits and loans from banks for entrepreneurial activities without fear.
· To achieve the society highly knowledgeable on how they can use their natural resources, like land to access loans from banks
1. We shall provide education to indigenous peoples on their socio-economics rights for instance the right to own land, property and natural resources for their economics development
2. In collaboration with University of Dar Es Salaam entrepreneurship centre (UDEC) we shall provide education to indigenous on capacity building creativity in business and develop entrepreneurship skills.
3. We shall conduct various researches on indigenous life styles and their economics to reveal the main obstacles to sustainable development and entrepreneurship skills among indigenous.
4. To educate them on how to develop their capital by generating profit and invest in various economics sectors.
5. To assist them to develop a good relationship with banks for money storage and access loans from the banks.
6. To provide free interest loans to those entrepreneurship groups which lack capital for investment
7. To enable the indigenous people use their potentials like cultural activities as the source of capital for business activities
8. To develop a network and become joint link between big enterprise/investors (External and Internal and indigenous peoples for economic development.
9. We shall offer free consultancy to indigenous business oriented groups and train them how to prepare business plan and project write ups.
10. To find for them good and accessible markets for their products and the way they can market their products.
11. Regarding that most of indigenous societies are living in or around areas reach of natural resources like national parks and mining centres, we shall use our best endeavour to educate them to benefit from tourism and natural resources around them.
12. To provide a forum for discussions, debates and reflections on policy and development issues to members, academics, public officials and members of the business community, as well as members of civil societies such as CBO’s and NGO’s and the public in general;
13. To undertake studies and disseminate information that will promote socio economic rights and entrepreneurial knowledge among indigenous marginalized societies in Tanzania.
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